Back Up Generator
Why not use your generator to its full potential, the Briggs Power Transfer Switch is easily installed by a qualified electrician, enabling you to have instant power in the event of mains power failure. This unit is built to the highest standards, incorporating the latest technology available today.
Question : I have bought a generator, and would like to connect it to my house in case of mains failure. What do I need to do?
Answer : When using a generator as an alternative supply to the mains, there are several precautions that must be observed.
It is vital that the generator is completely isolated from the mains supply. This ensures that the generator is not attempting to power up the whole neighborhood, but also ensures that it does not electrocute a utility worker trying to restore the mains supply.
To achieve this, a double-pole, break-before-make, changeover switch must be installed by a qualified electrician. The Briggs & Stratton manual transfer switch is ideal for this application.
This should be fitted between the electricity meter and the building consumer unit. The switch connects the building to either the mains supply or to a lead which can be plugged into the generator.

Most buildings now have an RCD built into the consumer unit. This is configured to operate from the mains supply with an earthed neutral, and not from a generator with a floating earth. To utilize this protection device, it is necessary to modify the generator so that it is configured in the same way as the mains supply.
This is a simple modification for a qualified electrician, involving adding a link wire from the neutral terminal to the earth terminal. It is recommended to make this connection in the plug that is to be used to connect to the generator. This ensures that the generator is unmodified when it is disconnected from the house, and therefore remains safe.
The plug should be labeled “Do not connect to mains: Neutral-Earth link fitted”. The lead between the generator and the transfer switch is not protected by the RCD, it is therefore recommended to use a steel armored cable for this connection. Finally a local low-impedance earth spike needs to be installed